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I believe...

We are all created equally with diverse talents and capabilities waiting to be unleashed.

I am…

Dominique Hollins, a business leader, and social justice advocate on a journey towards global prosperity through human connection and collaboration. 

Leading through adversity

In 2010, I entered the tech workforce in a financial crisis as a college graduate. In 2020, I'm coaching the tech workforce through another financial crisis as Founder and Connector-in-Chief of WÄ’360. My life of trials, tribulations, and triumphs has taught me not to avoid adversity, but to expect and embrace it.


For the past 15 years, I've been an advocate for social justice in academia and corporate America. For the past 10 years, I've navigated the nuances of the tech ecosystem while experiencing a spectrum of success, discrimination, and imposter syndrome. Along this journey, as a Black bisexual woman, I learned that I was not alone and that many of my peers, colleagues, and friends were suffering in silence.


In response, I became the change I wanted to see and I built WÄ’360 to help shape the future of workplace culture to meet the needs of modern society in all of its diversity. I curate immersive learning experiences by centering community building and combining tech industry best practices with principles of psychology, wellness, entertainment, and Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging (DEIB).

The time is always right to do what is right

2020 has been filled with unconscionable losses and a great opportunity. This is the perfect time to disrupt corporate America and build a new way forward. As an agent of change, I lead authentically, speaking truth to power and empowering those without it. In the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., I believe that the time is always right to do what is right. That time is now. 

Get in touch today to build a more equitable corporate America, together.

Stronger Together,

Dominique Hollins
Founder and Connector-in-Chief

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